The Biggs Family History
and Davidson Family History
The Biggs and Davidsons are a branch from my grandmother Anita Biggs. Dave Ream family history research shown below.
See additional lineages already contributed at the bottom of this webpage. Send us your linage and we'll add it.
My name is John Ream (b.1959)
Biggs Lineage
[ Jack Ream (b.1932)
[ Anita Biggs (1906-1955)
[ John Quincy Biggs (1878-1968)
[ John James Madison Biggs (1837-1924)
[ Elijah Biggs Jr. (1800-1845)
[ Elijah Biggs Sr. (1762-1833) (my GreatGreatGreatGreatGrandFather!)
[ John Biggs Jr. (ba 1733 - da 1832)
[ John Biggs Sr. (ba 1690 - da 1754)
[ Thomas Biggs (ba 1648 - da 1705)
[ John Biggs (ba 1606 - da 1696)
John Ream (b.1959)
Davidson Lineage
[ Jack Ream (b.1932)
[ Anita Biggs (1906-1955)
[ Nancy Arizona "Zona" Davidson (1885-1987)
[ Thomas Davidson (1846-1939)
[ Levi Davidson (1799-1851) (my GreatGreatGreatGrandFather!)
7a) Wife: Mary "Anita" Biggs Photo b. Oct. 3, 1906 Buffalo, Missouri. d. Apr. 17, 1955 Tallahassee, Florida. m. July 27, 1929.
Find-a-grave . . . . . . Anita & Joe were married by Rev. J. Q. Biggs (her Father) in Tonawanda, N. Y., near Buffalo, where J. Q. had a church at that time.
. . . . . . Music, Organist, played solo church Recitials. Organist and chorister of the Home Street Presbyterian Church NYC and is doing radio work.
. . . . . . Also a pretty good Pianist. Played in the silent movies in N.Y.
. . . . . . Anita went to Washburn College in Topeka, Kansas, Graduated 1925, only 18 years old.
BiggsAnita1925 Commencement Program Washburn College High Honors.pdfSenior Photo . . . . . . Anita graduated from Fort Worth High School at age 15, in January 1922, as valedictorian, with a 99.37 GPA. BiggsAnita1922HighSchoolValedictorian.pdf . . . . . . Anita graduated grade school in Moscow Idaho at age 11 and believed to be the youngest student in town history to enter high school. Source: Moscow Idaho newspaper June 1918 via Nancy.
. . . . . . Years prior to 1917 family lived in Enid & Pawhuska Oklahoma, Baker Oregon, Spokane Washington. Source: Spokene Washington newspaper Jan 1917 via Nancy.
. . . . . . Children of Joe Ream & Anita Biggs are on the previous webpage: Ream Family History Page . . . . . . Dave Ream writings: Remembering Anita Biggs
. . . . . . Parents - John Quincy Biggs , (1878-1968) and Nancy Arizona "Zona" Davidson (1885-1987) m. 1903
Find-a-graveFind-a-grave . . . . . . . . Rev. J. Quincy Biggs, a Disciples of Christ minister (English) and "Zona" (Scottish). Both are from Rocky Comfort, Missouri. Both are buried at Harmony Baptist Church in Rocky Comfort, Missouri.
. . . . . . . . Click here to see their photograph, Grave Stone,
JQ's Scrapbook, and Zona'a 100 year Memoir. Zona, and all the other Davidsons, were Baptists.
. . . . . . . . J. Quincy Biggs was also a successful Dramatic Artist, Shakespeare and others, monologues, readings and sketches. Pretty popular and busy appearance schedule.
Pdf Source: via Nancy.
. . . . . . . . Zona Davidson continues further below - See List below by her parents (Thomas Davidson and Mary Ann Harrell).
. . . . . . . . Children of John Quincy Biggs and Nancy Arizona "Zona" Davidson
. . . . . . . . . . 1. Portia Thelma Biggs, b. 1904 Illinois, d. July 27, 1943, m. Walter Hahn, b 1900, d. 1964, both buried Easton Heights Cemetery, Easton, PA. Grave Stone Portrait Photo . . . . . . . . . . . . Walter Hahn's parents: Harley Hahn and Annie Newhard m.1894. Walter Hahn's sister: Miss Tillie Hahn as of 1894
. . . . . . . . . . . . . Harley Hahn's parents: Alfred Hahn and unnamed living wife as of 1894.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . Annie Newhard's parents: Stephen Newhard and unnamed living wife as of 1897, Cherryville PA.
. . . . . . . . . . . . Tracey's Bible "The bible had a handwritten inscription: Presented to Mrs. Harley Hahn (Cuz's grandmother/ Walter's mother) By her Parents Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Newhard, Cherryville PA February 1897
. . . . . . . . . . . . One child - Alice "Holly" "Cuz", b. August 8, 1932, d. February 5, 2013, grew up in Short Hills, NJ, Millburn High. Grave Stone
Show Holly's Obituary
Obituary: The San Francisco Chronicle February 11, 2013
by Dave, February 2013:
Her original name was Alice Anne Hahn, but as a pre-teen she shifted to Holly simply because she liked that name better. For the Ream cousins, she became "Cuz." For others, she stayed Holly, although I noticed that in the last several years she began reverting to Alice.
She was born on 8 August 1932, so she was 80 years old at death. I am embarrassed to admit that I do not know WHERE Holly was born. [Ask Jenny or Tracey] The birth site was almost certainly in the New York City area, because both of her parents had careers in Manhattan at that time.
A few words about her parents and grandparents. Her father was Walter Newbold Hahn, born in 1900 and died in 1964. Uncle Walt was a native of Easton, Pennsylvania, across the Delaware River from New Jersey. He graduated from Easton's Lafayette College, [also Harvard Business School ??] then had a career as a financial officer for a number of corporations, mostly in New York City. I recall that he had an office in the Empire State Building for a while.
Holly's mother was Portia Thelma Biggs, born in 1904 and died in 1943. Portia's father was a minister in the Disciples of Christ denomination; her mother Zona was a sometime chiropractor. J. Q. Biggs had churches all over the United States, so Portia lived in a lot of different places. Thus, Holly's lifelong passion for travel was an inherited trait!!
As the Biggs family moved around the country, Portia attended school at Texas Christian, Washburn College, and other colleges. She earned a bachelor's degree from Northwestern's Weinberg School of Communication in 1924. After graduation, Portia taught school (her sister Anita was also a school teacher for a while) in a small village in central Ohio for one year (1925-26). At that point, Portia and Anita, in their early 20s, moved to the bright lights of New York City. Portia landed a job as a book editor at McMillan, a major book publisher. She had a very successful career at McMillan, continuing her employment there for about 12 years, until cancer took its toll.
Walter Hahn and Portia Biggs [how did they meet?] were enjoying life in New York in the late 1920s when they met each other. They were active on the social scene, often double-dating with sister Anita and Joe Ream, her beau. Both couples married in the summer of 1929, in Tonawanda, New York, a town near Buffalo where J. Q. Biggs had a church. Portia continued her career at McMillan through the 1930s. Portia and Anita stayed very close over the years. Both husbands were good providers, and the two sisters were able to move their families to comfortable homes in, first Pelham in Westchester County, then to the New Jersey suburbs. They eventually (probably about 1936) settled into a spacious house in Short Hills, an upscale community.
The closeness that the two sisters shared continued, as each gave birth to their first within 3 weeks of each other. Anita went on to have 4 sons and one daughter, while Portia stopped at one-Alice. The Hahn family and the Ream family had many joint activities over the years-travel, summer camp, frequent weekends together, day trips to NYC attractions, etc. Cuz organized different sorts of indoor and outdoor games for the Ream kids, including mock stage shows. In high school, she organized singing groups and acting groups among her classmates. This knack for organizing groups of people became one of her many positive traits, that lasted throughout her life. Alice went through the public school system in the neighboring town of Millburn with flying colors, graduating from Millburn High in 1950.
Tragedy struck the Hahn family in about 1939, when Portia was diagnosed with cancer. I don't know just when it was diagnosed, or the type of cancer, or what sort of steps could have been taken to arrest its development. I do know that it was a slow but steady regression, until Portia's death in 1943. She left an l1-year-old just entering the terrible teens, and a middle-aged businessman who didn't have a clue how to deal with this unique situation. Anita Ream stepped up and gave quite a bit of support, for Holly's benefit. But those were pretty rough years in the 1940s, as Holly slowly adjusted to the reality of not having a mother.
A few years after Portia's death, Walter Hahn married for a second time, to Cecilia [birth name?]. At first, Holly had trouble with this development, but eventually she and Ceil became good friends. Holly developed a strong independent streak during those years.
In the Millburn schools, Holly was an outstanding student, earning top grades consistently. For college, she selected Wellesley, arguably the best/most challenging women's college in the U.S. [mention Hillary Clinton]. She flourished there as she had at Millburn High. In addition to academic courses, she founded a singing group that performed at colleges all over the Northeast. Holly graduated from Wellesley with a bachelor's degree in 1954. She continued for many years as a participant in an annual Wellesley discussion group that stretched her mind as the group explored current public issues.
After graduation, Holly moved to New York City in 1954, where she gained a junior officer job at one of the major banks. There, she saw a lot of Jack Ream, who was also starting his career in banking.
I don't know why she selected San Francisco, but it was a good choice, moved to SF around the beginning of 1956. She immediately found lodging at Baker's Acres on Clay Street. She plunged into the dating and work-a-day scenes. Among several entry-level jobs: a Girl Friday at KSAY, a radio station; a trainee at Ask Mr. Foster, a travel agency. Meanwhile, she was "playing the field," dating 3 or 4 men, but showing a preference for a guy who had a sailboat-Mark Noble. She sent Back East glowing reports about life in San Francisco, and urged all of the Eastern Ream cousins to relocate.
Holly and Mark Noble were married in the summer of 1960. Their first home was a spacious apartment in Pacific Heights [or was it Cow Hollow?], with a one-bridge view. Then, in 1965, they bought a house in Belvedere, Marin County, with a 2-bridge view; the location was absolutely top-notch. They lived there for about 35 years, until Mark's death in 2000 [this date is a wild guess]. This is the childhood home of Jenny and Tracey. After Mark's death, Holly sold the Belvedere house and down-sized to a condo in Tiburon.
Cuz always had lots of activities to keep her busy. She spent a lot of time and effort in raising Jenny (born 1963) and Tracey (born 1965), and then taking care of her granddaughters. That included an annual get-away vacation for the girls and their families. Her major compensable activity in the last 25-35 years was arranging travel experiences for affluent Bay Area folks. She also sang in the choir at Saint Luke's, arranged theater presentations, and organized the annual trek to Yosemite to sing/perform at the Bracebridge dinner.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Holly & Mark Noble's two daughters: Jenny Noble Wooton b. 1963, Tracey McFadden b. 1965
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jenny & Mike Wooton's two children: Carley b. 2000, Kesha b. 2002
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tracy & Bill McFadden's two daughters: Kelsey b. 1994, Hannah b. 1996
. . . . . . . . . . . . . Portia and Anita were very close sisters, and hence Holly "Cuz" was close to her cousins from Anita.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . Portia, NYC Columbia University, Journalism degree June 1927.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . Anita & Portia in NYC, from Fall 1925. Anita & Joe double dated with Portia & Walter Hahn.
. . . . . . . . . . 2. Mary "Anita" Biggs 1906-1955.
. . . . . . . . . . 3. John Melvin Biggs "Mel" 1920-2000. Photo. Married Margaret Crozier Thomson (b. Dec 14, 1925 d. Feb 23, 2018 m. 1945). Mel, Margaret & daughter Judy are buried in Vittum Hill Cemetery, near Sandwich, NH, with daughter Judy. Gravestones . . . . . . . . . . . . Professor of Civil Engineering at M.I.T., retired in 1988, moved from Mass. to N.H. MIT News Obituary . . . . . . . . . . . . Three Children, these are Jack Ream's (my father) first cousins. Cousins Family Photos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . John Duncan Biggs, b. 1947, m. Linda Susan Samuelson b. 08/01/1947. Boise, Idaho.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . John "Jake" Ernest Biggs, b. 02/20/1980, m. Shelly Hannaker. Ernest is Linda's father's name. Rowan John Biggs b. 03/01/2008, Brennan Thomas Biggs b. 07/14/2011. Naples, NY
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Janet Davidson Biggs, b. 05/20/1974, m. Shawn Wallach. Jackson Melvin Wallach b. 09/05/2009, Olivia Susan Wallach b. 09/07/2011. Boise, Idaho.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Andrew Thomson Biggs, b. 1949, m. Helen Crosby, son Paul John Biggs b. 1979 m. 2012 Paige Beckley. Paul was Helen's fathers' name.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Judith Biggs (1951-1984), passed away automobile accident in California, buried with Mel & Margaret.
. . . . . . . . . . . . Margaret's father was Duncan Turner Thomson (07/05/1895-1978) Photo, m. Nora Crozier in 1924, Nora had two sisters and five brothers, Muriel, Jane, Bobby, Leonard, Braham and others.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . Duncan Thomson, and his sisters, Henrietta "Tommie", Katharine and Ina, and bother William, were born while the family lived in Bebek Turkey (birthdates 1882-1895). Lots of connections to Robert College in Bebek Turkey.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . Grandparents Rev. Robert Thomson (-1921) and Agnes Turner. In the 1870s Robert Thomson graduated from the University of Edinburgh, afterwhich he returned to his parents' home in Bebek Turkey.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Robert's sister Eliza, living in her father's home in Bebek Turkey, married Luther Allen Ostrander, one of the first American tutors at Robert College.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GGrandparent Alexander Thomson, was born in Scotland, married Elizabeth. Lived in Bebak Turkey, near Robert College. Source: "Cousin" Katherine Kaye
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Thompson-Robert-College-connections.pdf by John D. Biggs April 2018.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . Duncan attended George Watson's Boys' College on 1912-1914 Edinburgh Scotland, his former school was Wilhelmsdorf, Wurtemberg.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . Duncan attended Edinburgh University 1914- with the probable profession of an engineer.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . Duncan took part in World War I, RGA (Royal Garrison Artillery) 2/Lt., Lt, Dec 1916. , Intelligence dept June 1918.
. . . . . . . . Show JQ Tidbits by Dave, July 2009
JQ Tidbits by Dave, July 2009:
John and Linda:
A few tidbits about John Quincy Biggs.
JQ was born on 20 August 1878, and he died in December 1968--90 years old.
His birthplace was in Missouri, either in Pemiscot County (SE Missouri, in the
Boot Heel) or in Rocky Comfort. The reason for the uncertainty is that the
Biggs family (John James Madison and Dicy Reed) in 1878 was in the process
of moving from central Illinois to southwest Missouri. The Boot Heel would
be about half of that journey; they may have rested there for a while, but I
do not know whether birth occurred there.
What is certain is that JQ spent his entire boyhood on the Biggs farm in
Rocky Comfort. Zona Davidson was also from a farm family. He was 7 years
older, but there weren't that many marriage prospects in such a remote
place, so they dated and "courted" from an early age. While Zona was
finishing high school, JQ was doing a variety of odd jobs. One was
door-to-door sales of sewing machines. He also helped on the Biggs farm.
At some point a year or two after 1900, JQ "got religion" and decided to
become a preacher. In about 1903, he left Rocky and traveled to Lexington,
Kentucky, where he enrolled in a Disciples of Christ pastor's program.
Sometime during the early months of that program, Zona traveled to
Lexington, and the two married in Lexington. A few months later, their
first child, Portia, was born.
That began JQ's career as a Disciples of Christ minister. I cannot recite
the names or locations of churches he served, but here is a
less-than-complete list of towns. I believe he started with a couple of
small towns in Illinois, and then went to Buffalo, Missouri, where my mother
Anita was born. Next (around 1908) the family went to Oklahoma for a while,
Pawhuska or Enid, I believe. Then it was off to the Pacific Northwest,
where his older sister Mary and her husband Anvil Arnett had moved. He may
have had churches in Baker, Oregon and Spokane. At the same time, he was
taking courses at the U. of Idaho, from which he earned a bachelor's degree
in about 1918.
In 1918 or 1919, the Biggs family left the Northwest and moved to Fort
Worth, Texas. There, he had a church, as well as an appointment as a
professor of rhetoric/oratory at Texas Christian U. (TCU was one of the
nation's leading Disciples of Christ educational institutions.) The girls,
Portia and Anita, were outstanding students at Fort Worth High. Your dad
Melvin was born in Fort Worth in 1920. Also in Fort Worth, Zona launched a
career as a chiropractor. Her downtown office was next door to "Biggs
School of Oratory," apparently a "side operation" for Professor Biggs.
The next move, in 1922, was to Topeka, where again he had a church and Zona
had her chiropractory. Portia and Anita were students at Washburn College.
Anita graduated in 1925, and Portia (who also had attended TCU and
Northwestern) graduated, perhaps with a master's degree.
In 1925, the family moved to Zanesville, Ohio to serve another D of C
church. Portia and Anita had public school teaching jobs for a year or two,
then left JQ and Zona to travel to the bright lights of New York City. In
about 1928, the next church was in Tonawanda, New York (near Buffalo). Both
daughters were married by JQ in Tonawanda in 1929.
Sometime in the mid-1930s, JQ and Zona, with Melvin of course, moved to
Johnstown, Pennsylvania. After a few years, they moved to their last
church, in Waynesburg, Pa. JQ retired from active preaching in about 1943.
From then on, and for the rest of their lives, Zona kept them moving, from
Daytona Beach (Olds Hall) to Rocky Comfort to the Ream farm in Millstone
back to Daytona then to the Ream home in Princeton and back to Rocky and
Springfield, Missouri. And then on to Tallahassee for a while, and I believe they
spent quite a bit of each summer in Lexington, Mass. JQ finally died in
Daytona in 1968.
After JQ's death, Zona went chasing after an old Rocky high school flame
named Fred Reasor, who was a widower living in Aberdeen, Washington, on the
Olympic Peninsula. At Zona's insistence, hey actually got married. Zona
then began to drag Fred around the country like she did with JQ. Fred's
daughter put a stop to that after a couple of years, and Fred gratefully
returned to his home and familiar haunts in Aberdeen. Zona then went to
Springfield for a while, and from there to a retirement village in Columbia,
Missouri named Lenoir Manor. She died there, in 1987, at age 102.
About the Disciples of Christ. As I understand the church's relation to the
ministers, it is very different than the Methodists. I believe that JQ had
to find churches all by himself, rather than being assigned by some
centralized office. My other grandfather, T. J. Ream, was a career
Methodist minister who was moved by the relevant bishop from one church to
another every few years.
Another side bit. Zona, along with most of the population of Rocky Comfort
100+ years ago, was Southern Baptist. I don't know why JQ elected D of C.
What I do know is that, as soon as JQ died, Zona resumed her affiliation
with the Baptists. By the way, most D of C churches are designated
"Christian" church. Thus, the "First Christian Church" in any community
would be a D of C church.
Let me know if you wish to explore any of these points a bit further.
. . . . . . Grandparents - John James Madison Biggs (1837-1924) and Dicy Caroline Reed (1841-1912). Both are buried at Harmony Baptist Church in Rocky Comfort, Missouri.
Find-a-graveFind-a-grave . . . . . . . . John James Madison Biggs was born in Kentucky, March 5, 1837, and died July 10, 1924. Most of adult life in Rocky Comfort, Missouri.
. . . . . . . . Click here to see their photograph, and Grave Stone. They had about 9 children. John Quincy Biggs (1878-1968) was 2nd youngest. Photo of Everybody! . . . . . . . . John James Madison Biggs is believed to have migrated from Greenup County Kentucky to Shelby County Illinois where he met up with Dicy, then onto Rocky Comfort, Missouri. Source: Dave Ream email April 2001 via Nancy
. . . . . . . . Dicy's father was Abner Reed, possible O. middle initial. No further info. Source: 1850 Census showing Dicy age 9, via Meri Arnett email April 2001 via Nancy.
. . . . . . . . . . Dicy Reed was born in central Illinois May 15, 1841, and died May 20, 1912.
. . . . . . . . . . . Dicy Reed's Parents - Abner Reed, b. 1817 Illinois, and Temperance Moutray **, b. 1823 Kentucky.
. . . . . . . . . . . . Temperance Moutray's Parents - Theophilus Moutray & Sarah "Sally" Biggs. Marriage Bond . . . . . . . . . . . . The Moutray family was in Virginia at least by the 1730s, and perhaps the 1630s.
. . . . . . . . . . ** This is the same Temperance Moutray :
. . . . . . . . . . . . . Thus, our John Biggs and his wife Dicy's mother Temperance Moutray Reed were first cousins.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . So, in other words, John Biggs and his wife Dicy Caroline Reed were first cousins once removed.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . They were essentially from the same generation, however, John was born in 1837 and Dicy was born in 1841.
. . . . . . . . Children of John James Madison Biggs and Dicy Caroline Reed
. . . . . . . . . . 1. Mary Biggs (1862-1939) Photo, m. Anvil James Arnett (1857-1928), 11 children (2 additional died near birth)
. . . . . . . . . . . . #2, Edward Craven "Crave", son: Orvel, son: Edward, children: Kimberly Arnett-Ordonia.
. . . . . . . . . . . . #10, youngest son was Loren Lloyd Arnett (b.1900), son: Loren Edward Arnett, children: Meri Arnett-Kremian & Kim.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Click here for Meri Arnett-Kremian's Family Tree.
. . . . . . . . . . 2. Joseph Dudley Biggs (1869-1952) PhotoGrave, m. Sarah Cumi Love (1872-1962)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . They had four boys, born 1892 - 1897 (Edgar, John Olin, Noble Dudley, and Hugh Mitchell) and then a daughter Dicy O. Biggs born 1907.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Son: Edgar Biggs -> Children: Ernest & Violet Photo . . . . . . . . . . 3. Minnie Biggs (1872-)
. . . . . . . . . . 4. James D. Biggs (1874-1955), m. Edna Love (1879- ) Find-a-grave . . . . . . . . . . 5. Myrtle (Murtie) Biggs Utter (1877- )
. . . . . . . . . . 6. John Quincy Biggs (1878-1968)
. . . . . . . . . . 7. William A. Biggs (1880-1972), m. Clara Davidson (sister of Zona) Photo . . . . . . . . . . . Two Biggs brothers married two Davidson sisters.
. . . . . . . . . . . Two Biggs brothers married two Love sisters.
. . . . . . . . GGrandparents - Elijah Biggs Jr. (1800-1845), and Mary "Polly" Brown (1807-1880) m. 1828 Calloway KY, Both born in N.C.
. . . . . . . . . . Elijah, Jr. served in the Black Hawk War in Illinois and may have died in August 1849 in Johnson County, Illinois.
. . . . . . . . . . Children of Elijah Biggs Jr. and Mary "Polly" Brown (this list is unconfirmed, source Lisa Hall May 2003)
. . . . . . . . . . . 1. David , stayed in Tennessee
. . . . . . . . . . . 2. William , stayed in Tennessee
. . . . . . . . . . . 3. Elephar Biggs (1832-1914) m. James Richey
. . . . . . . . . . . 4. Columbus Christopher Biggs (1835-1921) b. McCracken Co KY m. Mary Jackson Cantrell 1856, Lonetta Barrett 1870, Sarah J. Hutchcraft 1913
. . . . . . . . . . . . CC's children: Araminta, Aravada, James J., Joseph B., Daisy, Elzada, and William, all probably with Mary Jackson.
. . . . . . . . . . . 5. John James Madison Biggs (1837-1924) m.Dicy Caroline Reed 1858
. . . . . . . . . . . 6. Joseph B. Biggs (1839-1913) m.Matilda Sheppard (1840-1918)
. . . . . . . . . . . 7. James Marion Anderson Biggs (1841-1910) (or James Monroe Alexander) m.Sarah Hayes 1866, Sarah Joyner 1869, Louisa McCasland 1896
. . . . . . . . . . . 8. Mary Elisa Biggs (1843-?) m.Phillip Pierce
. . . . . . . . . . . 9. Elsada Biggs (1846-?) m. Jason Horrell 7 Mar 1866
. . . . . . . . . . . 10. Wiley Biggs (1850-?)
. . . . . . . . . . GGGrandparents - Elijah Biggs Sr. (1762-1833) b. Tyrrell County, North Carolina, m. Lydia (1770-1845).
. . . . . . . . . . . . Elijah Biggs Sr. buried in Pittsburg, IL the Old Wade Burial Ground. Grave Stone (Shelby Co. Il, southern IL, near Akin, IL).
. . . . . . . . . . . . . Lydia Biggs is buried east of Johnson City, Illinois in Corinth at the Zion cemetary, 20ft behind the old bell.
. . . . . . . . . . . . Elijah Biggs Sr. locations: 1781 Draft, Nash County, NC, 1820 Census, Simpson County, KY, 1830 Census, Calloway County, KY, 1832 War App, Shelby County, Ill.
. . . . . . . . . . . . Elijah Biggs Sr. ~1810 he was defending the honor of a daughter who was wronged by a young gentleman. Elijah shot and killed the young man.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Was John Webb 1st husband of Temperance the guy killed by Elijah Biggs Sr. in about 1810? ~1810 since event mentioned in marriage bond (1813) cited below.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . See Verse on the back of Marriage Bond of Temperance Biggs Webb and Samual Tucker, referring to the 'murder incident'.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Somehow was kept a secret until ~1830 when discovered and then fled to Illinois. Lived in Illinois under the name John RICHARDSON.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . He was buried with the headstone John Richardson, until he was finally found out through bible and school records left by one of his friends, and his headstone was replaced with his real name.
. . . . . . . . . . . . Elijah Biggs Sr. Revolutionary War Pension Application 1832
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . The terms of war pensions in those days the veteran had to be in dire straights, may have been the reason he risked his assumed identity.
. . . . . . . . . . . . Children of Elijah Biggs Sr. and Lydia
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Temperance , m1. John Webb 1809, m2. Samual Tucker 1813 (Christian Co., KY). This is the only mention for this Temperance.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sarah "Sally" Biggs Moutray m. Theophilius Moutray 1813 (Christian Co., KY). Sarah "Sally" had a daughter - Temperance Moutray **
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Elijah Biggs Jr. (1800-1845)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . William
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . David
Revolutionary War Pension Application
Elija Biggs, North Carolina, R829
(Name is consistently spelled Elija in this application.)
State of Illinois}
County of Shelby} ss.
On this second day of October in the year 1832, personally appeared in open
court before us, the judges of the County Commissioners Court of Shelby
County now sitting, ELIJA BIGGS, resident of Shelby County and State of
Illinois, aged seventy years in January 1833, who, first being duly sworn
according to law, doth on his oath make the following declaration in order
to obtain the benefit of the Act of Congress passed June 7, 1832.
That he entered the service of the United States under the following named
officers and served as herein stated. He entered the service under Col.
Kenion, commander, Major Griffith, Captain Wm. Hall, First Lieut. Bell, 2nd
Lieut. Slaughter. He entered in the later part of June (the day not
recollected) in the year one thousand seven hundred and eighty-one. He left
the service in September in the year last aforesaid. Drafted at Nash Court
House in Nash County and State of North Carolina. Marched through Johnson
County and Wayne. Was not out of the state in which he was drafted. In the
Battle of Rockfish Creek, Kenion commander. No Continental regiments or
companies with him during his time of service, and he further states that he
knows of no documentary evidence by which he can assert his claim, neither
does he know of anyone who can testify to his services.
Sworn to and subscribed the day last aforesaid.
/s/ELIJA BIGGS (by his mark, "B")
We, Evan Douthett, clergyman, residing in the Co of Shelby and State of
Illinois, and Thos. Blythe, residing in (the same), hereby certify that we
are well acquainted with Elija Biggs, who has subscribed and sworn to the
above declaration, that we believe him to be seventy years old, that he is
reputed in his neighborhood where he resides to have been a soldier of the
Revolution and that we concur in that opinion.
Sworn and subscribed the day and year aforesaid.
Evan (his X mark) Douthett, clergyman
Thos. Blythe
Q. Did you ever receive a discharge?
A. I did. What became of it I do not know.
Q. By whom was it given?
A. By Major Griffith.
Q. Where and in what year were you born?
A. In Terel [i.e., Tyrrell] Co., N. Carolina, in the year 1762, to the best
of my knowledge.
Q. Have you any record of (your) age?
A. I have none.
Q. Where were you living when called into service?
A. Nash Cty., N. Carolina.
Q. Where have you lived since the War?
A. In Va., Tenn. and Ky.
Q. Where do you now live?
A. In Shelby Cty., Ill.
Q. How were you called into service?
A. By draft.
And the said Court do hereby declare their opinion, after the investigation
of the matter, and after putting the interrogatives prescribed by the War
Department, that the above named applicant was a Revolutionary soldier and
served as he states, and the Court further certifies that it appears to them
that Evan Douthet, who has signed the preceding certificate, is a clergyman
resident in the County of Shelby and State of Illinois, and is a credible
person, and that their statements (are) entitled to credit. Given under our
hands in open Court.
John Brally
B. W. Henry
George (Bouf?)
State of Illinois}
Shelby County} ss.
I, Joseph Oliver, Clerk of the Court of County Commissioners of said County,
do hereby certify that the foregoing contains the original proceedings of the
said Court in the matter of the application for a pension. Given under my
hand and seal of said Court at Shelbyville this 2nd day of October, A.D.
Jos. Oliver, Clk.
Application was rejected because proof of six months service was lacking.
. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . Elijah Biggs Sr. (1762-1833)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . |- John Biggs Jr. (ba 1733/4 - da 1832/3) d. Lincoln County, TN some sources list b as 1740, This John Biggs Sr. is sometimes referred to as "Old John Biggs" 1733-1832
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Jr. vs Sr. confusion, this Jr. became John Sr. after his dad died & his own son John was born, this son John Jr. would be a brother of ELIJAH Sr. b 1762)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . This John Biggs is listed as John Biggs Jr, with John Biggs Sr on a Norfolk Co Va tax list 1750. First known listing of "John Biggs Jr". He was age 16 or more in 1750, had to be 16 or over to be taxable.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Later now listed as John Biggs Sr. was living in Nash County NC by 1770 and up to the 1800 Edgecombe County NC census.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . m. Bethia Ludgall, m2 Williane Soward
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . children: Elijah Sr. b 1762 , John Biggs Jr (yes another Jr) ca 1762-1803 or 1823 , Sophia (had a son out of wedlock, Richard Biggs ba 1782) , Joseph (1775-1848)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Joseph (1775-1848), m. Martha "Patsy" Kelley 1803. Elijah Biggs Sr. was bondsman for this marriage in 1803, Sumner County, Tennessee.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Children: James Biggs b.1810, Kedar/Kader Simpson Biggs b.1812, Henry Biggs b.1816. All born in Sumner County, Tennessee.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Joseph's 1849 Will Read. Joseph of Sumner Co., TN mentions his "deceased brother Elijah", along with William "the reputed son" of Elijah.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
In the name of God Amen
I Joseph Biggs of the County of Sumner and state of Tennessee being of weak body
but of sound mind and taking into consideration my advanced age with the uncertainty
of life and the certainty of death do make this my last will and testament in the manner
and form as follows ___ I give ______ to Almighty God who gives ____ give body to
the earth from which it comes My will and desire is that all of my Just debts should first
be paid after which my will and desire is that all of my property of any description both
real and personal should be taken possession of by my beloved wife Martha Biggs and
that she use the said property for her support and sustenance as her own during her
material life it is my will that after the death of my wife that my estate should be equally
divided amongst my lawful heirs. If my dearly beloved wife should after my death get
into difficulties and disrepute it is my will and solemnly charge my two sons James and
Henry to aid assist and comfort her.
I will and desire that William Biggs the reputed son of my deceased brother Elijah Biggs
shall have all the right, title, claim and interest that I have in and to what would be his
share or one fourth part of said estate, In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand
and office my seal this twenty first day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand
eighteen hundred and Forty nine
In the presence of us } Joseph Biggs Seal
Tho G Walton
William L Martin
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . |- John Biggs Sr. (ba 1690 - da 1754) b. Lower Norfolk VA, d. Pasquotank County NC, m. Sarah
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . children: Mrs. John Huse, John Biggs Jr. (1733-1832), Joseph Biggs Sr. (b 1719 d 1798), Mrs. Jacob Gregory, Margret Willoughbee (a widow), Keziah Biggs, Sarah Biggs
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1754 Estate Inventory(land) Pasquotank County NC, 2 sons of John Biggs Sr. listed as Joseph Sr. & John Jr.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Son Joseph Sr. (b 1719 Norfolk, VA d 1798 Martin Co, NC) m. Margaret Eastwood, 4+ sons, Kedar (1749-1815) & James (1753) & William (1756-1817) & Joseph Jr. (1776-1844) Grave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Joseph Sr. gravestone, children engraved listed are actually a single lineage, likely by whoever got the stone.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Son Kadar (1749-1815) m. Hanna, Kadar's biography written by his younger brother Joseph Jr. (1776-1844)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kadar's children were: Nancy Biggs, John Biggs, Reuben Biggs, William Biggs, Penelope "Penny" Biggs, Asa Biggs, Sarah Biggs.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |- Thomas Biggs (ba 1648 Eng/VA? - da 1705 VA) m. Mary Browne b. 1656
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Will of Edward Browne of Lower Norfolk Co., VA transferring 100 acres of land by deed of gift to “my well beloved daughter Mary, wife of Thomas Bigge” dated 1678 and recorded 21 May 1679.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Birthpace, sources show both England & VA, 1648 was the year after fathers initial 1947 arrival. Speculation that father returned to England to get wife & kids in 1648.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Children of Thomas & Mary: John Biggs Sr. (ba 1690 da 1747), (Proved to be not true: James Biggs ba 1707 Currituck, NC da 1768 Currituck, NC, m. Bertha Fanshaw, William Biggs )
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 2013 Harold wrote: This John was the only known son of Thomas Biggs who died circa 1705 Elizabeth River (this is where for many years
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . researchers tried to fit my and Dan's in making our James Biggs 1st of Currituck a son of Thomas, using DNA we have proven that not to be true)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |- John Biggs (ba 1606 Eng - da 1696 VA) b. Hampshire, Southampton, England d. Elizabeth River, Lower Norfolk Co., VA.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . m. Johan/Johanna Sawyer Norsworthy Since John Biggs’ Will did not mention his wife, she is presumed dead by 1694.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Children, per 1697 Will: Read. He names 3 sons John (b1645 Eng), Thomas Biggs (b.1648) and Jabez (b1662 VA, d bef 1679),
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . and six daughters: Ann Falke (b1644), Katherine Mercer (b1655), Elizabeth Whitby (b1657), Jeane Sikes (b1659), Phebe Biggs (b1665), Dorothy Biggs.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . John Biggs witnessed the Will of Thomas Putnam aboard the “Increase" or "Encrease” bound for Virginia. Will dated Dec. 29, 1647.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . John Biggs dob sometimes listed as 1620.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . By 1696 he owned 1200 acres at the headwaters of the south branch of the Elizabeth River, the one that separates Norfolk and Portsmouth.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Biggs spelling frequently listed as John Bigge. Also referred to as "The immigrant"
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . England note: Southampton is a city in the county of Hampshire on the south coast of England & 75 miles south-west of London
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sources: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |- Father unknown, or Richard Biggs II (~1584 - ~1626) b Hampshire, Southhampton, England d. Jameswown VA.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jamestowne Society
The 1624 Jamestown Muster (Census)[1] taken on January 22, 1624/5, shows Richard Biggs, 41, (and a female maybe his wife Sarah, 35), son Richard Biggs Jr age 3, as residents of West & Sherley hundred (sic)in the corporation Charles Cittie (sic).
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Their son Richard, 3, born in the new world, lived with them.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Richard arrived in Virginia in August 1610, on the Swan. Passenger List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . My comment regarding our John Biggs being a son. Did Richard leave a 4 year John behind in England? It's possible that Sarah came later to VA in 1618 aboard the Marygold.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Here are some genealogy webpages which show connection this Richard Biggs to our John Biggs.
WikitreeGeniMcKenzies of Early Maryland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lots of speculation here.
Source: Some unusual typing/spelling... shown as is.
Will of John Bigge of Elizabeth River, Norfolk Co. Va (McIntosh, Abstarcts, Bk 6, p77) Will dted Sept 4, 1694, proved March 15, 1696 by Joseph Hodges and others:
“To my son John Bigg my lawful heir, land including that left me by my son Jabez Bigg, held as a Patent 23 December 1688. Should John Bigg die without heirs,
to granson George Whitby. To my son Thomas Bigg, to my daughters Ann Faux, Katherine Mercer, Elizabeth Whitby, Jean Sikes, Phebe Bigg, Dorothy Bigg,
each one shilling (twelve pence). To son-in-law Mathew Caswell, grandchild John Hefsold, granchildren, Martha, Francis, William, Jabez, Jean and Mathew Caswell
one shilling each.” (Refs: Norfolk Co., D.B.5, p. 219; Court Orders Norfolk, Co., May 13,1703) (Genealogies of Virginia Families,
Refs: Court Orders, Norfolk Co., VA, 19 Nov., 1695; Court Orders, Norfolk Co., VA May 13, 1703; Norfolk Co. Order Bk. Nov. 1739)
“19th March 1697 - I John Bigg of Elizabeth River in the County of Norfolk in Virginia being often sick & Weak in body, but now of good and P[er]fect Memory...
minding to putt in Order al and singuler my Estate both reall & p[er]sonall to the intent there should by Noe Stryfe for the same after my Decease...
Desire & pray my Children & all Others to bee Contented with my last Will & Testam’ without any trouble, buissines, or vexation of any of them against the Other,
for any of my Said Estate; as they will answare for the same before the Judgmt Seat of God...I... bequeath to my Son John Bigg (Whom I doe hereby...
apoynt to bee my Sole Only and absolute & lawfull heire..all my estate both reall & p[er]sonall Except Such leagacyes hereafter Mensoned...I Give him my said
Son John Bigg; all my land I am Now pesessed off (vizt) my Manner plantacon, and all the land belonging to the Same...Including a Small p[ar]cell of land that
George Whidbey lives upon by my p[er]mission dureing My life; allsoe the Land wch my Son Jabez held in his lifetime by Pattent bareing Date the 23d Day of Aprill 1688
Wth Said Land is allsoe my p[ro]per Right; all which with the land I hold Now by my Owne Patent baring date the 21th Day of Aprill Ano Dom[ini] 1690;
I give to my Said son Jno is Expressied in the Pattent aforesaid, To have & to hold the said Plantacon...unot the Said John Bigg my Son, and the heires of his body...
The heires Male first to take place & soe in Order, but if my Said Son John Shall Dye Without Issue... then my land with the Apurtenances, to my Grand son John Whidbey...
and for lack of Such Issue to my Grand Son George Whidby...then to descend to the rest of my Duaghter Elizabeth’s children...& for lack of Such Issue,
thento my Duaghter katherin Mercer’s Children, and theire heires, the Male first alwayes to take place, and for want thereof the ffemale & theire heires And for lack
of Such Issue, to the Next right heires of mee the Said John Bigg, the ffather forever; Butt if my Son John Bigg have Children...or in defect thereof,
My Grand Son John Whiteby or for lack therof the Said Geroge Whitebey in defect therof any of the heire Afore Menconed...are at their owne liberty to give the
Said land to which they like best of theire Children Either Male of female; Butt if my Son John Bigg have lawfull Issue & Dye intestate, then my land aforesaide
to fall & Descend to his Children whether male of female, the Male first...the Meaning is that if the Male Die the female to take place [Note: a dozen words heavily
corssed out here.] I Give & bequeath to my Son Thomas Bigg, My Daughters Ann Faux, Katherin Mercer, Elizabeth Whitby, Joane Sykes, Pheebe Bigg, Dorothy Bigg to
Each of them I give twelve pence or One Shilling lawfull Money of England or the vallue ther of...Item I doe allsoe Give unto my son in law Mathew Caswell &
My Grand Children John Hassold & Martha, Ffrancis, William, Jabez, Jean & Mathew Caswell to Each of them One twelve pence of One shilling Sterl[ing]...all the
aforesaid legacyes to bee paid in Six Monthes after my Decesase...And this to bee the full Share...for Each of those p[er]sons, above Names...And the reason why
I give them...Noe More,is for theire Disobendience [sic], and Other material matters best Knowne to my Self [the line was Raced before Signing] Item I doe hereby...
Appoynt my Son John Bigg to bee my...Onley Executor...And to take full...posession after my Decease of all my the use of himself and his lawfull Issue
hee paying those Legacys afore bequeathed, and if my Son John Should die before proof of this Will, his wife to Act as Executorix but On the behalf of his Lawfull Issue
in Wittness Where of I the Said John Bigg have Subscribed this my last Will & Testamt wth my Own hand...this 4th Day of Sept ano Dom[ini] 1694 John Bigg & Seale...
in the p[re]sence of us John Portlock Tho. Nash Tho; Etheridge Joseph Hodgis Wm Maund Wm (his mark) Etheridg, Rebecka (her mark) Hodgis ‘and many Others’ Proved in
Court 15h March 1696/7 by the Oathes of Joseph Hodgis Jno Portlock Tho: Nash & Thomas Etheridge & is Ordered to bee recorded Mala[chi] Thruston Cl Cur”
(Norfolk co., Va. Will Book 6: p.77 [Transcription by David L. Kent]) (Comment: This is a most important will. In it, John’ Biggs names his three sons:
John, Thomas and Jabez (deceased). he names his six duaghters: Ann Falke, Katherine Mercer, Elizabeth Whitby, Jeane Sikes, Phebe Bigg, Dorothy Bigg.
He names his two grandsons: John Whitby and George Whitby. He mentions his grandchildren by Katherine Mrcer, but does not name them.
He mentions his son-in-law Mathew Caswell. Since John Biggs’ will did not mention his wife, Johan, she is presumed dead by 1694.)
. . . . . (end Biggs)
. . . . . . Grandparents (of Anita Biggs) - Thomas Davidson (3 Mar 1846 - 27 Jan 1939) and Mary Ann Harrell , Grave Stone, both buried in Baptist Cem, Rocky Comfort, Missouri
Find-a-graveFind-a-grave . . . . . . . . Thomas's 1st wife: Nancy Margaret Duncan, m. 1866, Children: Andrew W. (1868-1946), Mary Elizabeth (1869-1926)
. . . . . . . . Thomas's 2nd wife: Mary Ann Harrell, m. ~1875, b. 15 May 1855, d. 23 Mar 1925
. . . . . . . . . Children: Jessie C. (1876-1960), Minnie (1878-1898), Stella A. (1879-1928), Lillie (1881-1896), Bertha (1883-),
. . . . . . . . . Nancy Arizona 'Zona' (1885-1987), Clara A. (1887-1988), Orin L. 1891-1980), Grace A. 1894-1979), James Maurice (1897-1939)
. . . . . . . . . . . Three Davidsons married three Montgomerys. Orin m. Nellie Montgomery, Maurice m. Anna, Walter Montgomery m. Gracie.
. . . . . . . . Reference Document for Thomas Davidson: Davidson-Duncan.pdf
Here's the newspaper obit on Thomas Davidson - Springfield, MO:
"Thomas Davidson, 93, died at 10:40 o'clock Friday night [27 Jan 1939] at his home, 903 West Florida street. Mr. Davidson was a retired farmer. He came to Springfield a year ago from Rocky Comfort, Missouri, where he had spent most of his life. He is survived by four daughters, Mrs. H. A Brown of Greenfield, Missouri, Mrs. J. Q. Biggs of Johnstown, Penn., Mrs. W. A. Biggs of Baker, Ore., Mrs Walter Montgomery of Granby, Missouri, and four sons, A. W., of Wheaton, Missouri; J. C. of Seneca, Missouri; O. L. of Springfield, and J. M, of Rogers, Ark. The body will lie in state at the Alma Lohmeyer funeral home until Sunday, when it will be taken to Rocky Comfort for burial."
. . . . . . . . Mary Ann Harrell's Parents - James Fowler Harrell and Mary Ann "Polly" Chitwood (1818-1882).
. . . . . . . . . . . . Mary Ann "Polly" Chitwood was one of 3 Chitwood girls to marry 3 Harrell boys. Nicy Chitwood m. John Lee Harrell
. . . . . . . . . . Polly's Parents - Joel Chitwood (~1789-1869) and Susannah Corn.
. . . . . . . . . . . . Chitwood Cemetery: Joel Chitwood GraveStone, James F. and Mary Ann [Polly Chitwood] Harrell GraveStone, ARE definitely buried there.
. . . . . . . . . . . . Cemetery is near the village of Wheaton, in Barry County, southwestern Missouri.
. . . . . . . . . . . . Rocky Comfort is in McDonald County, but only a mile or two away.
. . . . . . . . Thomas Davidson's Parents - Levi Davidson (24 Sep 1799 - 9 Feb 1851) and Sarah Lamberson.
Find-a-grave . . . . . . . . . . Levi's Grave Stone Confirmed location google street view. Hwy 412 west of Linden 37096, Perry County, TN, just west of a Mormon Church, private land owned by Sonny Maza.
. . . . . . . . . . The Mormon church is the Church of Jesus Christ of LDS, 7278 Hwy 412 W, Linden, TN 37096.
. . . . . . . . . . The grave is on the top of a mound several yards north of the highway and behind a large metal building.
. . . . . . . . . . The stone is/was under a large cedar tree. The mound is west of a driveway leading to a residence on the east of the drive.
. . . . . . . . . . Sarah moved to Rocky Comfort, Missouri, 1852-1853, after Levi died, with several Lamberson families.
. . . . . . . . . . "Barry County" in southwest Missouri, is where the Davidsons and Lambersons settled after the move from TN.
. . . . . . . . . . Rocky Comfort, in MacDonald County, is only a mile or so from the Barry County line, so Rocky was "their town" even though in a different county.
. . . . . . . . . . Sarah's father, Laurence (maybe Lawrence) Lamberson, was a "drover" who organized the 400-mile "wagon train" trip from Tennessee to the Rocky Comfort area.
. . . . . . . . . . It's believed that a couple of generations earlier, the Lamberson family was from New Jersey, Sussex County.
. . . . . . . . . . Levi Davidson (24 Sep 1799 - 9 Feb 1851):
. . . . . . . . . . . Levi was a farmer in Perry County, Tennessee, just a few miles east of the Tennessee River. Davidson family was from Tennessee.
. . . . . . . . . . . 1st Wife: Unknown. Children: Alvoree and Josiah. Source (Ruth Kent A+) . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alvoree Davidson b. Abt. 1821, m. Nancy Duncan
. . . . . . . . . . . . . Josiah "Joe" Davidson b. 1824, m. Elizabeth Caroline Depriest
. . . . . . . . . . . . . Rachel Davidson b. 18 Jul 1827, d. 1854, m. George A. Dabbs (Levi w/ 1st wife per Ruth Kent 11/2006)
. . . . . . . . . . . 2nd Wife: Unknown. Children: Rachel, Abraham, and Cyrus.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . Abraham Davidson b. 15 Oct 1835, m. Sarah
. . . . . . . . . . . . . Cyrus Davidson b. 25 Aug 1837, m. Tabitha Howell
. . . . . . . . . . . 3rd Wife: Sarah Lamberson. (her father: Lawrence Lamberson)
. . . . . . . . . . . . Eight Children: Letsy, Mary (Polly), John (later a Confederate soldier), Levi, Jr., Thomas, Nancy, Lucy,and Ann.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . Letsy Davidson b. Oct 1839, m. Jesse Herrell
. . . . . . . . . . . . . Mary "Polly" Davidson b. Abt. 1841, m. John Samuel Brown
. . . . . . . . . . . . . John Davidson b. 22 Feb 1843, m. Sarah Frances Brown
. . . . . . . . . . . . . Levi Davidson b. Abt. 1845, m. (1) Sarah Elizabeth (2) Surreny Ellen Hill
. . . . . . . . . . . . . Thomas Davidson b. 03 Mar 1846, m. (1) Nancy M. Duncan (2) Mary Ann Herrell
. . . . . . . . . . . . . Nancy Davidson b. 1847, m. Unknown
. . . . . . . . . . . . . Lucy Davidson b. Mar 1850, m. William J. McClure
. . . . . . . . . . . . . Ann Davidson b. 05 Nov 1851, m. Nathan W. Patton
Compiled ... Thanks to Dave Ream, John Duncan Biggs, Andrew Biggs, Meri "Biggs" Arnett-Kremian (11/2001) and photos (5/2003), and to our Biggs DNA Friends, March 2013
Kimberly Arnett-Ordonia (08/2002).
John Ream (b.1959)
Biggs Lineage
[ Jack Ream (b.1932)
[ Anita Biggs (1906-1955)
[ John Quincy Biggs (1878-1968)
[ John James Madison Biggs (1837-1924)
[ Elijah Biggs Jr. (1800-1845)
[ Elijah Biggs Sr. (1762-1833) (my GreatGreatGreatGreatGrandFather!)
[ John Biggs Jr. (ba 1733 - da 1832)
[ John Biggs Sr. (ba 1690 - da 1754)
[ Thomas Biggs (ba 1648 - da 1705)
[ John Biggs (ba 1606 - da 1696)
John Ream (b.1959)
Davidson Lineage
[ Jack Ream (b.1932)
[ Anita Biggs (1906-1955)
[ Nancy Arizona "Zona" Davidson (1885-1987)
[ Thomas Davidson (1846-1939)
[ Levi Davidson (1799-1851) (my GreatGreatGreatGrandFather!)
John Duncan Biggs (b.1947)
[ John Melvin Biggs (1920-2000)
[ John Quincy Biggs (1878-1968)
[ John James Madison Biggs (1837-1924)
[ Elijah Biggs Jr. (1800-1845)
[ Elijah Biggs Sr. (1762-1833)
[ John Biggs Jr. (ba 1733 - da 1832)
[ John Biggs Sr. (ba 1690 - da 1754)
[ Thomas Biggs (ba 1648 - da 1705)
[ John Biggs (ba 1606 - da 1696)
Meri "Biggs" Arnett-Kremian (thank you for your contributions to this page!)
Click here for Meri Family Tree.
[ Loren Edward Arnett (1925-) m. Betty June Miller
[ Loren Lloyd Arnett (1900-1965) m. Marie Mafie Rosencrans
[ Mary Biggs (1862-1939), m. Anvil James Arnett (1857-1928)
[ John James Madison Biggs (1837-1924)
[ Elijah Biggs Jr. (1800-1845)
[ Elijah Biggs Sr. (1762-1833)
Lily Loretta Dell Jay (b.1939) (thank you for your contributions to this page!)
[ James Clyde Harold Jay 1912-1995
[ Sarah Eliza Martin 1874-1930
[ Christopher Columbus Martin 1854-1923
[ Hezekiah Mitchell Martin 1822-1900
[ Mourning C. Biggs 1792-1877
[ John Biggs ca 1762-1803or1823
[ John Biggs ca 1733-1832
[ John Biggs 1690-1754
[ Thomas Biggs 1648-1705
[ John Biggs 1606-1696 The immigrant.
Larry Biggs
[ Cloyd D. Biggs 1926-2011
[ James Hillard Biggs 1892-1957
[ Simpson Lafayette "Fate" Biggs 1859-1927
[ Sanford B. Arthur Biggs 1832-1899
[ James Biggs 1810- 18?
[ Joseph Biggs 1775-1848
[ John Biggs ca 1733-1832
[ John Biggs ca 1690-1754
[ Thomas Biggs 1648-1705
[ John Biggs/Bigge 1606-1696 The immigrant.
The Biggs Family History Photos
These photos are organized by oldest generation to newest.
If a group photo, then oldest person's generation.
Here is a quick list of generations
John James Madison Biggs (1837-1924) and Dicy Reed (1841-1912)
They are my Great Great Grandparents.
John James Madison Biggs (1837-1924)
John James Madison Biggs (1837-1924) and Dicy Reed (1841-1912)
They are my Great Great Grandparents.
Grave Stone in Rocky Comfort, Missouri.
John Quincy Biggs, (1878-1968) and Nancy Arizona "Zona" Davidson (1885-1987)
Anita Ream 1925 (my Grandmother, age 19), and with her family, 1910, Anita (age 4), Portia, Zona, JQ Biggs
John Quincy Biggs, (1878-1968) and Nancy Arizona "Zona" Davidson (1885-1987)
JQ's photo dated 1920, Zona's photo dated 1925
John Quincy Biggs, (1878-1968) and Nancy Arizona "Zona" Davidson (1885-1987)
They are my Great Grandparents. Grave Stone in Rocky Comfort, Missouri.
Zona lived to 102 years old. Zona's two sisters married J.Q. Biggs brothers.
Mary Biggs (1862-1939) and Anvil James Arnett
Mary is John Quincy's sister.
Joseph Dudley Biggs (1869-1952) and Sarah Cumi Love Biggs (1872-1962)
Joseph is John Quincy's oldest brother.
Joseph Dudley Biggs and Sarah Cumi Love Biggs
Noble Dudley Biggs and Neva M. Brown m.1917
Noble is son of Joseph Dudley Biggs above.
John Melvin Biggs "Mel" (1920-2000)
He was Anita's Brother, this photo taken in 1998.
John Melvin Biggs "Mel" (1920-2000)
Photo says Late 1920s (age 8 or 9)
Cemetery in Rocky Comfort.
Prosperity Baptist Church, adjacent to the cemetery.
Another view of Cemetery.
Levi Davidson (1799-1851)
Photo #1 from A.Massey, enhanced with shaving cream. Photo #2 from R.Kent.
Biggs and Davidson, Everybody!
Starting with John James Madison Biggs (1837-1924) , Ending with Anita Biggs (1906-1955)
Photo says Rocky Comfort, Missouri, about 1908
(Same photo untouched)